


A wide range of configurations and options provide an excellent match to many different applications, which may include intermodal container handling, barge handling, container tipping, steel or wind operations to name just a few.

  • Versatility in application
  • Serviceability
  • Engineered to excel
  • Ergonomic cab
  • Performance optimization
Industry Sector

- Ports and Intermodal / Container Yards
- Laden Container Handling
- Steel, Aluminum & Metals
- Energy

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Versatility is key


Versatility in application

The innovative Hyster ReachStacker is available in a wide range of configurations and options providing unprecedented flexibility to perform tasks in many different applications including 2nd rail handling, container dumping, windmill blade and tower handling, steel handling and barge handling. A Hyster ReachStacker can be equipped with a toolchanger attachment giving the operator the ability to more easily and quickly switch between different attachments (ie: slab tongs & magnets, c-hooks, pipe clamps) and enable a leaner, more productive fleet for steel operations.

  • Lightweight, aluminum floor plates and sliding cab provide quick access to major components for service technicians.
  • The hydraulic oil tank features a sight glass for the oil level, as well as magnetic drain plugs.
  • CANbus on-board diagnostics with fuses centrally located in the side console make for easy servicing and troubleshooting.
  • Major engine and drivetrain components are engineered to operate on 500-hour service intervals.
Engineered to excel

The durable 2-stage boom design is constructed from T-1 steel, with two plane welding for additional strength. The one-piece frame features reinforced welding of the main sections with heavy duty rear supports.

The heavy-duty steer axle is engineered for long life and outstanding steering capability.

The unique and patented Hyster stabilizer utilizes dynamic pressure, meaning approximately 24% of the front loading will remain on the front axle, giving extra side stability and lower ground loading. The heavy duty, innovative stabilizer has rapid deployment, increases stability and reduces tire wear on the rear axle.


Ergonomic cab

The operator cab provides excellent comfort for operators working in the toughest applications and extreme weather conditions. Equipped with an armored glass top window, curved front and rear windows and steel doors with tempered glass, the operator cab provides excellent all-around visibility.

Ergonomically designed, the high visibility cab puts greater productivity within easy reach. Inside the cab, clear and well positioned displays keep the operator in touch with precision load control and critical engine performance at all times.

The cab is designed to minimize noise and vibration levels for the operator and the ergonomically designed superior seating and generous space provides maximum comfort for the operator and helps to reduce fatigue.

Performance optimization

A harmonized system design which includes automatic throttle-up, on-demand hydraulics, on-demand cooling and hibernate idle help to reduce fuel consumption on Hyster trucks under varying load conditions. These Hyster solutions can provide significant savings in fuel consumption and maintenance costs over the life of the truck.

Innovative ECO modes: Hi-P and e-Lo (Tier 4 Only)

  • Hi-P provides maximum performance and good fuel economy
  • e-Lo provides minimum fuel consumption without losing productivity


Model Load Capacity Load Centre Lift Height Turning Radius Overall Width Weight Engine Transmission Stacking Height 1st Row Stacking Height 2nd Row Stacking Height 3rd Row Load Capacity 1st Row Load Capacity 2nd Row Load Capacity 3rd Row
RS46-33XD/62 46000kg 1865mm 15260mm 8420mm 4200mm 72200kg Cummins QSM 11L Diesel Dana S.O.H TE 30 5 / 5 4 / 5 3 / 4 46000 33000 17000
RS46-36XD/62 46000kg 1865mm 15355mm 9200mm 4200mm 79300kg Cummins QSM 11L Diesel Dana S.O.H TE 30 5 / 5 4 / 5 3 / 4 46000 36000 19000
RS46-41XD/67 46000kg 1865mm 15355mm 9300mm 4200mm 82600kg Cummins QSM 11L Diesel Dana S.O.H TE 30 5 / 5 4 / 5 3 / 4 46000 41000 23000
RS46-41XD/62S 46000kg 1865mm 15355mm 9200mm 4200mm 83600kg Cummins QSM 11L Diesel Dana S.O.H TE 30 5 / 5 4 / 5 3 / 4 46000 36000 21000
RS46-41XD/67S 46000kg 1865mm 15355mm 9300mm 4200mm 84600kg Cummins QSM 11L Diesel Dana S.O.H TE 30 5 / 5 4 / 5 3 / 4 46000 41000 23000
RS46-29XD/62 46000kg 1865mm 15260mm 8420mm 4200mm 68500kg Cummins QSM 11L Diesel Dana S.O.H TE 30 5 / 5 4 / 5 3 / 4 46000 29000 14000
RS46-41XD/75S 46000kg 1865mm 15225mm 10650mm 4200mm 84650kg Cummins QSM 11L Diesel Dana S.O.H TE 30 5 / 5 4 / 5 3 / 4 46000 41000 25000

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Hyster Tracker provides true wireless fleet management, can drive fleet efficiency, improves operator performance, reduces your carbon footprint and lowers your overall material handling costs.

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