The annual warehouse employee turnover, a churn that intensifies your dependence on inexperienced operators.
bls.govThe annual warehouse employee turnover, a churn that intensifies your dependence on inexperienced operators.
bls.govThe number of forklift accident-related injuries per year, a risk that you need to contend with.
injuryfacts.nsc.orgThe annual cost of work-related injuries, an expense that translates to about $42,000 per event.
injuryfacts.nsc.orgAccidents, safety violations and downtime are serious issues for any materials handling operation. Together with proper, comprehensive forklift safety training, operator assistance solutions can be a useful tool to help facilities address operational risks.
Hyster Reaction™ is an industry-first technology package that helps reinforce forklift operating best practices, tailored to the complexity of demanding, fast-paced indoor forklift environments. The solution applies a broad range of equipment performance controls based on location, equipment-specific thresholds and proximity to obstacles or pedestrians, while the operator remains in control of the lift truck.
Advanced Dynamic Stability (ADS) is available on every truck equipped with Hyster Reaction. This is the “base” of the solution, continuously monitoring the combined center of gravity of the lift truck and the load it carries to automatically apply carefully measured performance adjustments to avoid abrupt shifts or jerks that can upset forklift stability.
Two collision avoidance solutions are available to pair with ADS. Object Detection (OD) utilizes two-dimensional LiDAR technology to detect objects within the path of travel (forks trailing - 170 degrees) to detect facility infrastructure, product or material, other trucks and personnel in your environment. Proximity Detection or (PD) utilizes ultra-wideband (UWB) technology to identify potential hazards from all angles within a proximity sphere (360 degrees), even those that reside outside of an operator’s field of view. Collective Detection (CD) combines both solutions.
RTLS utilizes ultra-wideband (UWB) technology to provide device-to-server connections. This solution provides asset tracking and geofencing to set business rules with greater intelligent muting capabilities for higher efficiency. The RTLS server communicates with trucks, zones and pedestrians; and requires additional infrastructure and engineering efforts to define scope of work. RTLS is available to pair with PD or CD packages.